Burbank Housing Corporation operates a waiting list system to fill all of its vacancies. Interested applicants must first apply for the BHC Waiting List to enter any of our rental units. Our Affordable Housing Program has four waiting lists that are categorized by income level. The income and rent requirements are established by the State of California for Los Angeles County. Learn if your household qualifies for an open waiting list: CLICK HERE
The opportunity to apply for the Burbank Housing Corporation’s affordable housing program is offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, ancestry, genetic information, source of income, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation or preference, gender identity, or disability, or any other basis prohibited by law.
If you are a person with a disability and require assistance in filling out our affordable housing waiting list application, you may contact our office to request assistance.
Currently, only one of our four waiting lists is open. When a BHC Waiting List is filled to capacity, our office will close the waiting list and its application process until we complete our annual audit. Please keep in mind that a waiting list may remain closed for several years.
When space allows, our Extremely Low, Very Low, and Lower Income Waiting Lists have a two-week open application process. After the application process closes, a random lottery is conducted with the eligible applications. A limited number of applications are randomly selected and placed on our waiting list.
To determine if a waiting list will reopen in the following year, BHC conducts an annual audit of the waiting list near the end of the calendar year. Every year, BHC prepares a waiting list update to inform interested applicants about upcoming waiting list openings. Our annual waiting list updates include important deadlines and instructions.
If you have questions about our organization or the BHC Waiting List, please visit our FAQs Page: CLICK HERE