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Burbank Housing Corporation (BHC) owns and manages over 300 affordable rental units in the City of Burbank. We focus on creating mixed-income residences, which are socially healthy and accurately reflect the reality of our communities. Our property portfolio is composed of one-bedroom to four-bedroom units.


All of BHC’s vacancies are filled through a Waiting List system. There are four waiting lists that are categorized by the State of California Income Levels. BHC maintains a joint waiting list for all its properties, which allows applicants to be offered the first available unit in our Affordable Housing Program. Please keep in mind that our Affordable Housing Program is NOT a form of emergency or immediate housing, as it may take 2-5 years to be placed in a unit. 


BHC transforms poorly maintained buildings into safe, attractive, & affordable housing. BHC’s acquisition strategy is to rehabilitate properties in focus areas with blighting conditions, such as overcrowding, lack of open space, & limited access to public amenities. BHC works with the City of Burbank to acquire these properties & once the rehabilitation process is complete, these buildings become a part of our Affordable Housing Program.

We believe that housing efforts need to be geographically focused so that the impact of our activities is maximized within a given area. For this reason, all BHC Properties are located in 5 focus areas in the City of Burbank. 

Group picture of BHC residents and staff on a whale watching cruise


Our Affordable Housing Program has fixed rent rates based on the household’s income level and tenants are responsible for paying their monthly rent in its entirety. John Stewart Company, a professional property management company, is contracted to administer our Affordable Housing Program and manage our properties. Residents are required to sign and live up to a comprehensive rental agreement that includes an anti-drug and crime policy. Every year, BHC residents must complete our annual income certification process, to ensure that our units are being occupied by eligible households. 

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